Pop-Up Books

Making the reading habit a rewarding one.

By hijaking ad space to gamify reading for kids.


An Arab child reads 6 minutes a year. We had to do more than just promote books. We had to promote the love of reading.


To get kids interested in reading, we entered the world they spend hours in - mobile games.


'Pop-Up Books' by WHSmith.

Since mobile games are known for pop-up ads, we hijacked that space with Pop-Up Books - shortened versions of popular children’s books that were redesigned for the mobile gaming world. The only way the child could close the pop-up ad was by reading the story and answering the question. The right answer would get them rewards in the game - like coins, hints, extra lives, boosts, and more.

Watch the video case below:

  • We created in-store posters where people could download the full story after answering a question.


Proving that reading can be rewarding too.


Gold - Dubai Lynx

Gold - Caples Awards

Silver - Dubai Lynx

Bronze - WARC Awards

Bronze - AME Awards / New York Festivals

Bronze - WARC Media Awards

+ avarage reading time came from 6 minutes a year to nearly 6 minutes a day.


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